
Calendar Icon - Dark X Webflow Template
October 27, 2023
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Metabob Wins Best in Deep Learning Technology Award by DevNetwork

Metabob was honored to receive the award for Best in Deep Learning at the AI DevWorld conference hosted by DevNetwork. Metabob received the award in an event with other winner companies from different categories, including prestigious names such as Goldman Sachs, Mercedes Benz, and U.S. Bank, to name a few.

Product Manager
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May 16th, 2023
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How to Debug Python Code in VS Code

Debugging Python code, or any code, is often a challenging and time consuming task, especially when dealing with large and complex code bases. Traditional Python debugging and Python code review tools that are able to detect simple problems, usually related to style, syntax, as well as commonly listed security vulnerabilities. These tools can often be integrated into an IDE and certainly provide value in the development process. At the same time they lack the ability to detect complex problems that require contextual understanding of the code base.

Axel Loennfors
Product Manager
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April 14, 2023
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 min read

Using AI to detect runtime errors in static code analysis

AI has the potential to revolutionize the way runtime errors are detected and prevented in software development through the use of static code analysis. While the field is still in its early stages, research and development in this area are advancing rapidly, and companies such as Metabob have already presented AI-based capabilities for detecting runtime errors. As AI algorithms continue to improve, it is likely that AI will become the standard tool for software engineers to prevent coding errors.

Axel Loennfors
Product Manager
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Oct 6, 2022
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 min read

Turning Debugging Into A Mission For Life

Debugging is a means to tackle problems, but what if it is possible to solve debugging itself? In this post, we are looking at the open-source community and how it inspired a new way to review and ultimately debug codebases. Follow Massi Genta and his team on their quest to craft the ultimate debugging tool.

Fabian Eggers
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August 9, 2022
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 min read

Current trends in software development - the developer hiring bubble and the impact of AI

Within the past few years, the tech industry has consistently and reliably added jobs. The demand for skilled tech labor such as software developers, testers, and quality assurance analysts has developed an extremely competitive market...

Axel Lonnfors
Product Manager
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July 29, 2022
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 min read

How to start a career in AI: Learn from Metabob’s Benjamin Reaves

Learn more about Benjamin's journey from research/software engineer to Metabob’s Director of AI.

Massi Genta

Latest articles


The Role of Static Code Analysis in Ensuring Code Quality

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February 13, 2024
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Explore the transformative role of static code analysis, especially AI-driven tools, in reducing code complexity and enhancing overall code quality. Discover how advancements in AI empower developers to streamline codebases, mitigate risks, and foster a culture of continuous improvement for more reliable software.

Streamlining Success: The Importance of Code Complexity Reduction

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February 7, 2024
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Discover how static code analysis serves as a strategic tool to prevent technical debt accumulation in software development. Explore the scientific approach of static analysis tools in identifying and mitigating potential sources of technical debt, empowering software engineering managers and developers to uphold code quality and streamline development processes.

Streamlining Success: The Importance of Code Complexity Reduction

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February 6, 2024
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In this article, we explore strategies for reducing code complexity to improve collaboration, efficiency, and project outcomes, ensuring a streamlined and efficient codebase.

From Chaos to Clarity: Managing Technial Debt in Your Codebase

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February 5, 2024
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Learn how to effectively manage technical debt in your codebase and transform chaos into clarity. Discover strategies for identifying, prioritizing, and resolving technical debt, ensuring a cleaner, more efficient codebase for improved productivity and innovation.

Understanding Code Complexity: Measurement & Reduction Techniques

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January 30, 2024
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In this article, we delve into what code complexity is, how to measure it, and explore effective strategies to reduce it from the perspective of new and old technologies.

Reducing Code Complexity with AI Code Reviews

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January 24, 2024
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As projects scale up, so does the challenge of maintaining code quality, minimizing bugs, and ensuring scalability. This article explores how AI can help in reducing code complexity.

Decoding the Genome of Technical Debt: Strategies for Identifying and Measuring

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December 5, 2023
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This exploration delves into the scientific methodologies behind identifying technical debt, emphasizing the role of code smells as indicators and the application of static code analysis tools.

Navigating Tomorrow's Codebase: Future Trends in Technical Debt Management

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December 1, 2023
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In the software development realm, the future promises both challenges and innovative solutions for managing technical debt. As software engineering continuously evolves, the intersection of emerging technologies and progressive practices is reshaping how we handle the complexities of technical debt.

Unraveling Technical Debt in Legacy Systems: Strategies for Software Engineering Leaders

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November 30, 2023
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In the dynamic sphere of software development, grappling with technical debt in legacy systems is an imperative challenge. Software engineering directors, managers, and engineers face the intricate task of mitigating technical debt accumulated in aging codebases.

Mastering the Art of Clean Code: A Guide to Preventing Technical Debt

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November 15, 2023
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This guide explores proactive strategies to prevent the creation of technical debt, emphasizing the importance of code reviews, automated testing, and the principles of clean code.

Unveiling the Global Impact: Estimating the Cost of Technical Debt in Software Engineering Organizations

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November 14, 2023
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This article delves into the estimated global cost of technical debt and explores strategies for preventing its accrual, with a focus on the importance of clean code.

Clean Code: A Shield Against Technical Debt in Software Development

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November 13, 2023
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In this article, we'll explore the significance of clean code in preventing technical debt and discuss the role of AI code review tools in maintaining code cleanliness.

Leveraging GNNs for Codebase Analysis to Mitigate Technical Debt

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November 2, 2023
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In the realm of software development, accumulating technical debt is a pervasive challenge. Technical debt refers to the compromises made during the development process, often leading to suboptimal code quality, bugs ...

Understanding Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for Beginners

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November 1, 2023
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In today's data-driven world, networks and graphs are fundamental for modeling complex relationships and dependencies. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a transformative approach to understanding and analyzing graph-structured data.

Preventing Technical Debt with AI Code Reviews

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October 25, 2023
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This blog post delves into the concept of technical debt in software development and how AI code reviews can proactively prevent it. It emphasizes the benefits of AI code reviews and demonstrates their role in maintaining code quality and reducing development costs.

Demystifying AI Code Reviews: A Beginner's Guide

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October 24, 2023
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In this beginner's guide, we will demystify AI code reviews, explaining what they are, why they matter, and how they differ from traditional code reviews.

The Role of AI in Streamlining Code Review Processes

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October 23, 2023
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In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, where innovation is relentless and demands for efficient, high-quality code are unceasing, the role of AI in streamlining code review processes has become pivotal.

Automating Code Reviews: Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy with AI

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October 4, 2023
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, the integrity and quality of code are paramount - AI code review is here to help.

Challenges of Manual Code Reviews

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October 2, 2023
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While manual code reviews have been a staple in the software development process, they are not without their challenges.

Analyzing an e-commerce application using an AI code review tool

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September 26, 2023
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As Metabob's AI code review extension for VS Code started supporting JavaScript, we analyzed an open-source e-commerce application for testing. This blog covers example detections from the analyzed app.

Improving developer productivity by preventing and addressing technical debt with AI code reviews

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September 22, 2023
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Software engineers and developers are typically among the most expensive labor forces within organizations. The average base salary for software engineers in San Francisco was $167K a year. Because of this, it is unsurprising that one of the main priorities...

Quality Assurance using AI Code Reviews

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September 20, 2023
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As software developers and data scientists, we have had whole weeks burnt on codebase maintenance. We've had bugs in our codebase that dated back to when ...

Tooling to debug Python Code in VS Code

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May 10, 2023
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Debugging Python code is often a challenging and time-consuming task. This article explores tooling that can help developers to debug Python code in VS Code more effectively.

An international career in software development: Metabob’s Sako Mammadov

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September 15, 2022
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Today, we sit down with Metabob DevOps Manager, Sako Mammadov, to hear about his journey to Metabob and why he feels Metabob’s tool is so influential.

How to measure developer productivity?

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September 15, 2022
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Upon doing research for this post, we were thinking of the ways friends at certain FAANG companies talked about their work. Often nonchalantly, they describe their days as mostly consisting of working 3-4 hours, checking off their work tickets and punching out 40 full-time hours...

Scratching the surface: reducing noise from automated code reviews.

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July 8, 2022
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When talking to different members of engineering teams through research efforts at work, it has become apparent that code reviews take an awful lot of time from engineers’ daily work hours...

Breaking Down Compiler-related Jargons

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July 5, 2022
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Working with Compilers can come with its learning curves. To truly get acclimated and to make sure that you are translating languages accurately and with little uncertainty, we’ve compiled (pun very much intended) a list of must-know vocabulary to get you started on the right foot!

The Future of Code Development

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June 29, 2022
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Coding has become the necessary currency of the new job market. From high budget campaigns with former President Barack Obama encouraging Americans to learn computer science, to Apple’s new collaboration with the Boys & Girls Club of America to launch a new coding program, computer science is being taught earlier and earlier and has now become an essential part of a well-rounded education.

What is BERTopic ? - Metabob’s AI team is testing another topic modeling technique

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June 29, 2022
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A topic model is a type of algorithm that scans a set of documents (known in the field of Natural Language Processing/NLP as a corpus), examines how words and phrases co-occur in them, and automatically “learns” groups or clusters of words that best characterize those documents. These sets of words often appear...

How to quickly solve bugs in your code by using Metabob

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June 15, 2022
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As we all are aware, debugging and maintaining code is a daunting and time consuming task, especially when you are working on a number of different projects. Metabob helps you to identify and fix bugs as quickly as possible.

The problem with static analysis tools – machine learning to the rescue!

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June 8, 2022
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Software maintenance is an expensive activity in the software lifecycle. Last minute change requests push developers to make “band-aid fixes” setting aside good design and implementation...

Shift-left software testing - shifting even more left with Metabob

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June 2, 2022
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During the current times of software development, it is rarer and rarer for bugs to make it all the way to production. However, this doesn’t mean that organizations are not paying a high price for fixing bugs.

What are coding sprints?

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March 4, 2022
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Coding sprints are one of the best ways to improve software development consistently and at a good pace, without making incredibly big changes all at once. This article is going to answer some questions one may have about coding sprints, how to plan them, and their relevance.

Developer productivity tools – comparing Jellyfish and Metabob

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February 8, 2022
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There are dozens of developer productivity tools on the market looking to ensure productive, effective metrics for dev teams big and small...

Chasing memory spikes and leaks in Python

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July 28, 2021
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After being a developer for so long - Fortran in 1979 followed by Pascal, C, Java, and settling on python in 1997 - I’m no stranger to memory leaks and spikes. I still love hunting down bugs . . .

LDA and the method of topic modeling

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August 2, 2021
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Previously, we mentioned the need for Topic Modeling. One common application is an email filter. You train the model by feeding it many emails, each one labeled as “spam” or “urgent” or “work-related” or “promotion” or “social.”  . . .